
Your Support Helps Others Succeed

Ayuda Estudiantes Salir Adelante con un Regalo Donativo



You Can Make a Difference

Marca la Diferencia en la Vida de un Estudiante

Whether through time or money, you can have a direct impact in the life of a student, today. Join the Tucson community as we come together to further student retention and graduation.

Ya sea a través del tiempo o el dinero, hoy puede tener un impacto directo en la vida de un estudiante. Únase a la comunidad de Tucson mientras nos unimos para promover la retencion y graduacion de los estudiantes hispanos.




UAHA scholarships helped Marilyn graduate from the University of Arizona which helped her jump-start her career in law enforcement. Every dollar donated and minute volunteered empowers student scholars to succeed in college and beyond.



A student and he mother take a photo with the Dean of the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences at the Celebration of Excellence event
Two students recognized and awarded at the annual Celebration of Excellence event take a photo with a community leader, all are facing the camera


UAHA Scholar Spotlight

Nathan, Neuroscience & Cognitive Science

Nathan majored in Neuroscience & Cognitive Science with an emphasis in Neurobiology. As both a Hispanic Alumni Club and Ronald E. McNair Achievement Scholar, Nathan was actively involved within his community. He was the Vice President of the Neuroscience & Cognitive Science Association of Students and an Ambassador for the Neuroscience & Cognitive Science department. Nathan is currently attending graduate school at the University of Arizona.


Nathan se especializó en Neurociencia y Ciencias Cognitivas con énfasis en Neurobiología. Como Club de ex alumnos hispanos y Ronald E. McNair Achievement Scholar, Nathan participó activamente en su comunidad. Fue vicepresidente de la Asociación de Estudiantes de Neurociencia y Ciencia Cognitiva y embajador del departamento de Neurociencia y Ciencia Cognitiva. Nathan actualmente asiste a la escuela de posgrado en la Universidad de Arizona.

Three students pose for a photo, Nathan, is centered and flanked by two female students, all are smiling and facing the camera
The President of the Hispanic Alumni Club takes a photo on the football field with Wilbur and two students recognized by UAHA for their academic achievements, Nathan is featured on the right

By collectively harnessing the impact of the Hispanic community, UAHA is changing the landscape of college access and affordability.

Volunteers Needed

Ofrezca su Talento, Tiempo y Energia para Apoyar Estudiantes

We acknowledge and appreciate the importance of having volunteers who can serve on the club’s board or committees to fulfill the club’s mission. Volunteers can also serve as a UAHA scholar mentor or provide internships. 

Reconocemos y apreciamos la importancia de tener voluntarios que puedan servir en la junta o comités del club para cumplir con la misión del club. Los voluntarios también pueden servir como mentores académicos de la UAHA o proporcionar pasantías.


UA President Robert C. Robbins poses for a photo with guests and community leaders at the annual Portraits of Excellence event, all are facing away from the camera


UA Hispanic Alumni Club Events

We are actively involved in the community on a regular basis as we empower Hispanic students to become change-makers and future leaders. Volunteering for Club sponsored or hosted events is a great way to give back to the Club and the University of Arizona.


More info coming soon!


Photo of a group of students and staff as they pose with an abuelita at the start of an AROMAS event, they are all facing the camera and smiling


Abuelitas Reaching Out to Mentor y Apapachar Students (AROMAS)

Join us Guerrero Center the 3rd Thursday of every month for a warm, free, and delicious homemade meal cooked with love by abuelitas (or grandmothers) from our community. Talk to the abuelitas, ask for their advice, and enjoy their delicious food.


Learn More


A group of students in graduation regalia celebrate with smiles and their hands in the air at the end of the Commencement Ceremony


UAHA Scholarship Application Review

The UAHA endowment allows the Club to award over 100 scholarships every year. Part of this process involved review of applications for a UAHA Scholarship. Volunteers are needed to review applicants and help direct Board Members.


More info coming soon!